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NEK-CAP, Inc.'s Non-Discrimination Statement and Policy applies to all services offered.


2023-2024 Early Head Start and Head Start Annual Report


Early Head Start 0-3 provides services to infants, toddlers, and pregnant women. It promotes

  • healthy prenatal outcomes, healthy babies
  • enhances the development of infants and toddlers, and
  • promotes healthy/thriving families

NEK-CAP, Inc. receives federal funds for 160 children to operate and provide Early Head Start (0-3) services for infants, toddlers, pregnant mothers, and fathers.

NEK-CAP, Inc. receives federal funds for 238 children to operate and provide Head Start services.  Head Start is committed to cultivating partnerships with the community to ensure that children and families receive an array of individualized services focused upon early childhood development, family support, health and education.

Early Head Start/Head Start 0-5 services are available at no cost to children and families. Up to 10% of enrollment may be used to serve children that are over income. Transportation is available at some locations.


The program options selected by Policy Council, Multi-County Board, parents and staff include: (1) home based: providing all services through weekly home visits, and offering at least two socialization opportunities per month; or (2) center based: providing services through center based early care and education with enhanced home visits.


Volunteers are essential to the success of our program. They come from many sources: all are important; however, children especially enjoy their parents volunteering in the centers, on field trips, and serving on Policy Council.  Community volunteers and partners support the program through contributions, time, and resources. On an annual basis, approximately $313,000 is donated by volunteers.


Fifty-three percent of our parent surveys were returned. Parents have indicated that they love the program and services have made a real difference in the lives. Quotes from parents included: “I appreciated the teachers. They have helped my children though some difficult times. I don’t know what I would have done without them.” “All staff members are wonderful. They do an excellent job of educating my child and they really care about each individual child.” “The staff helped me find resources in the community that enabled me to get training and a job.” “For the first time in my life, someone gave me the confidence to change my life.”


NEK-CAP, Inc. Head Start provides opportunities for parents to be actively involved in their child’s education. The whole family plays an important role and is critical to a child’s growth and development. Parent activities, socialization, and Policy Council are a few of the ways parents may become involved in the program. Family advocates work with families and offer opportunities for parents to develop a family partnership agreement which assist the family in identifying their strengths, needs, and goals for future growth and success.




Click here to view the Prenatal Early Head Start Home Based 0-3 Parent Handbook.

Click here to view the Early Head Start Home Based 0-3 Parent Handbook.

Click here to view the Head Start Center Based Parent Handbook.

Click here to view the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement. 

Click here to view the Early Head Start brochure.

Click here to view the Head Start brochure.

Disclaimer: This website is partially supported by grants from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of NEK-CAP, Inc and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.